Monday 19 March 2012

Economics Game

I've spent more time than I probably should have playing this McDonalds game. Although it is a fairly simple game it took me a few trys to get it down pat. Back in my slightly younger days I was an avid player of Sim City. In the later years of the game it was very involved, including elements of trade with neighbors, taxes, zoning, and even random events like natural disasters.

In the game of McDonalds there is the drive to make as much money and growth as possible and it gives the possibilities of cheating people and the system. I found it was possible to run the game without feeding dead cows to other cows and without taking advantage of the town and it locals. Being socially responsible cost in the short term payments but paid back over time with sustainability and public support. 
There is probably more than a few ways to win at this game and that would depend on your definition of winning. 

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